kkkkkkkkkkk isso é história pra contar
— Medina (@gabrielmedina) November 27, 2021
#ISTOÉGENTE A esposa de #GabrielMedina falou também sobre relacionamentos https://t.co/EbqdNMTbkJ
— Revista ISTOÉ (@RevistaISTOE) November 26, 2021
Aí @gabrielmedina kkkkkkkkkkk
— Leonardo Netto (@Leonardo_FNetto) November 26, 2021
Fala Diogo @diogodantas! Aqui é o @gabrielmedina da matéria! kkkkkkkkk
Manda abraço pro @vitor_seta e pro @paulocelsop https://t.co/Q7diCmd8or— Medina (@gabrielmedina) November 26, 2021
Con @GabrielMedina__ escribinos esta nota para @PACOURONDO mientras termina su tesinahttps://t.co/9gpOXOZsGD
— Christian Dodaro (@dodarux) November 25, 2021
se me faltasse comida eu ia pescar peixe pra mim comer, não precisava postar a foto mostrando a espinha pensando que ia querer ficar com a espinha pra mim comer, eu não ia te alimentar assim @gabrielmedina
— Lorrane Macedo (@lorraneskate) November 24, 2021
Hi Medina, thanks for reaching out. We would be happy to look into this for you. Please send us a DM below and we will be on the lookout for your message. Thank you. -Rissa
— Hilton (@Hilton) November 23, 2021
Thanks! The partner will ultimately need to be the one that makes any changes or gets things resolved, but if you're struggling getting this sorted with them directly then we can step in to assist. You should hear back from the team soon and they'll be able to help out -Sean
— Skyscanner (@Skyscanner) November 23, 2021
Just filled the form. But it states that for cancellations, the agency should be contacted directly. Also, at Skyscanner's partners search, Destinia does not appear.
— Medina (@gabrielmedina) November 23, 2021
will try. Many thanks, Sean!
— Medina (@gabrielmedina) November 23, 2021
Hey Medina, if you found your Destinia booking through us, drop our team a line over on this link and they can chase this up with them for you: https://t.co/T0wryLQ7dP -Sean
— Skyscanner (@Skyscanner) November 23, 2021
Nobody from Destinia replies my email. Is this a reasonable customer care? Is anyone there? @hotelscomhelp @bookingcom @trivago @Hilton @Hyatt @Visa @Decolar @Skyscanner @Marriott
— Medina (@gabrielmedina) November 23, 2021