Lava: 6. Wavepool & Princess Oceanus are back at the Kingdom of the Sea
— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool: Is, is he gonna be OK?
Carnivore: Well the dart knocks him for a few hours, but if he's with the Dark Dragons, I could really care less— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Carnivore: …… What? No I didn't?
Wavepool: *Was it a Light Dragon? They're known for putting stuff in heads, & making people look crazy.*
Carnivore: *Maybe, but they haven't done that in forever now*— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool & Carnivore: … Oka-
*Time freezes*
???: Well, how about this then? *Time unfreezes. Comet's Comet again.*
Carnivore: Oh, nothing bad, just really surprised.— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool & Carnivore: *Looking confused as hell* What?
— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Carnivore: *Turns to Comet* & who's this?
Wavepool: Says his name is Comet.
Carnivore: Ah, well nice to meet you, & yes, we do have queens. Now, *Turns to Oceanus* may she please come out? Since, I can't really touch water, being a Fire dragon and all.— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Oceanus: Awwww, I'm sorry.
Wavepool: *Whispers to Oceanus* 3,000 ye-
Oceanus: *It can feel like that sometimes.*
Wavepool: *Ah. Ok*
Carnivore: *Swoops in*
Oceanus: Oh, Carnivore. What brings you here?
Carnivore: A message for the queen.
Oceanus: Well she's in her cave.— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool: Remember what?
— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Oceanus: Well, we don't really have a reason to get upset.
Alga: *Baby giggle & reach*
Ocenaus: Ok *Lifts her up & hands her to Wavepool* here's daddy
Wavepool: *Snuggle Alga*— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool: My home, the cave of Water Dragons.
Oceanus: *Surfaces*
Wavenus: *Kiss*
Oceanus: Hi there.
Wavepool: Hi sweetie— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
Wavepool: *Opens 1 eye* Hello, who might you be?
— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022
— Eversor (eeveeboi) (@eeveeboi3) October 4, 2022