Barreled, a $30 million surf park with lodging units, a campground, and a restaurant took a major step forward this week. ETA 2024. Who's ready to surf Washington?https://t.co/hT4EaTpeyD #letswavepool #CuriosityAndStoke #surftank #wavepool #waves #stoke pic.twitter.com/XpnMMzjA3M
— WavePoolMag (@WavePoolMag_) April 12, 2022
CFD ‘Computer Fluid Dynamics’ allows us to model waves and test options before we build them. Here’s a CFD render vs a photo sequence of ‘The Island’ slab. With this modeling tool, we can predictably create reefs for developers to select from.
–#surflakes #surfing #wavepool pic.twitter.com/KQ9jN8IYwU— Surf Lakes (@Surf_Lakes) April 12, 2022
For communities far from the ocean that are going to have wave pools built in their area, some folks there already know the stoke of riding waves. But for most of the residents . . https://t.co/h0q9XVVNk4@WavePoolMag_ @TheWave #wavepool #mentalhealth #bluehealth #surf
— Neil Armstrong (@sippingskies) April 11, 2022
Buy 2 season passes to @Aquaboggan & get half off when you buy at https://t.co/N8Hzda4IeE through the end of April! Family friendly #Summer fun is right around the corner! #aquaboggan #waterpark #waterslide #wavepool #minigolf #gokarts #familyfun #summerfun #keepitlocalmaine pic.twitter.com/DYmFJxS8UN
— Keep It Local Maine (@keepitlocalME) April 11, 2022
Wavepool surfing is the equivalent of half pipe snowboarding or skating, cool to see new tricks but pretty boring overall
— Nihilist999 (@nihilist999) April 10, 2022
Starts the wavepool, or Bacon dispenser.
— Jason Scholefield (@DeckardPayne) April 9, 2022
@advparcsnowdonia looking dreamy through the lense of @cardiganuk
.#letswavepool #CuriosityAndStoke #surftank #wavepool #waves #stoke #surfpark #surfpool #wavepark #surfparks #surfinglife #poolday #inlandsurfing #wavepoolsurfing #surflife #wavetech pic.twitter.com/DAhWad5cAv— WavePoolMag (@WavePoolMag_) April 9, 2022
If surfing in the ocean is like taming a fox, is surfing in a wavepool like petting a dog?
— Stephen Baxter – SantaCruzLocal.org (@sbaxter_sc) April 9, 2022
Buy 2 season passes to @Aquaboggan & get half off when you buy at https://t.co/N8Hzda4IeE through the end of April! Family friendly #Summer fun is right around the corner! #aquaboggan #waterpark #waterslide #wavepool #minigolf #gokarts #familyfun #summerfun #keepitlocalmaine pic.twitter.com/6wvgt70HPi
— Keep It Local Maine (@keepitlocalME) April 8, 2022
Our favorite indoor wave tank at the moment: Skudin Surf American Dream by @AWMsurf
.#letswavepool #CuriosityAndStoke #surftank #wavepool #waves #stoke #surfpark #surfpool #wavepark #surfparks #freshwatersurf #wavepoolfun #wavetub #surfing #surfer #surfinglife #poolday pic.twitter.com/hmGHrEvJYo— WavePoolMag (@WavePoolMag_) April 7, 2022
@andrewshield captures the stunning palette of a silky Yeppoon afternoon.
–#surflakes #surfing #wavepool #wavetech#surflakesyeppoon #wavepark#everyonegetsabreak #inlandsurfing #artificialwave pic.twitter.com/ggeKn55hxS— Surf Lakes (@Surf_Lakes) April 7, 2022